strawberry yogurt yum: June 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

old school

here's a poem i wrote in 8th grade. i thought the rhyming was cute. 

Emotions come and go

Anger burning red

Happy giving glow

Sad nature grieves

Pride, feel the glory

Guilt—heaviness it heaves

But Love- stays far and close

Fills hearts full and warm

Speaks ordinary prose

Yet words delicate strung

For the things I love

Are difficult to assess.

But palpable over all above

My family I cherish and love.


now if you go on google and image search "strawberry yogurt" i guarantee you will feel so much better and might explode into a million peaces of cheese puff. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Right now I'm munching on Tostitos' scoops, which i have to say are quite deliciousss. except they hurt my teeth. and i have no dip, so it's kind of pointless for them to be in the scoop shape. and i'm eating on my bed while watching gymnastics; i feel unsanitary.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

to all dem cheese haters out there

_____ : I can imagine you regurgitating an infinite void of cheese
out of all your orifices


You are all officially banned from my cheesedom. 

do cheese have carbs?

I forgot to add in BRIE. I LOVE BRIE AND CRACKERS.

But seriously, people. Moderation is key.

... cheese diet?

you are what you eat

I haven't had cheese sticks in a while. I guess I'm not a cheese stick. But I have had string cheese within the last 12 hours. I actually like cheese. Some cheeses don't have a strong taste; I like those cheeses best. My dad uses this special kind of cheese, gruyere, to make croque monsieur. I once had this pizza from a Greek restaurant which had reallllllly strong goat cheese. My mom complained because none of us would eat it. We also buy provolone cheese to use in sandwiches; those are addicting. You can never get enough slices. It's the same with cheese sticks, but I haven't had a cheese stick for some time now. If I did, I guarantee I could eat a whole box in half an hour. I love cheese!!!!!!